Kahoot! is a FREE game that can be played with any device with internet access. I've played in the computer lab with my class so that everyone has their own computer to play on. You can also opt to have the children play in groups with an iPad as their device. If you have an Android device, you can download the FREE Kahoot! app from the Play Store. Apple does not have an app yet, but fear not! Any device will work by simply typing "kahoot.it" in the browser. Pretty cool, huh?
Here's how to get started and how to play the game. First create a FREE account at getkahoot.com. Below is a snapshot of the homepage.
Once you are logged in, you can go to "Public Kahoots!" to search the public games that have been made by other teachers. If you've already made your own, you can go to "My Kahoots!". For my sample, I'm going to show what it looks like if you select your own game. Select your game by clicking PLAY.
(Click on the image to make it larger!)
Then, click Launch.
**It's important to note that the students will not be able to see the questions on their devices. They will only see answer choices. It is important that the computer that you are signed into is able to be viewed by all students or able to be projected so all can see!
Once your game is launched, it will show the Game Pin. This is the number that will be typed into the students' devices in order to join your game.
Note: The game pin will change every time you play, so no need to write it down or try to memorize it!
After entering the game pin, they will be prompted to type in a nickname. It's a good idea to have them use their real name or a way for you to recognize who it is, because after the game you can download the results and data! (More about that later!)
Once you're ready and everyone is signed in, it's time to start! This is an example of how the question will look to your class when projected on the screen.
This is what they will see on their device. As you can see, they will not be able to see the questions.
After each question, it will show how many students chose each answer. For this particular example, there was only 1 person playing. It does not show the names of the people who got it right or wrong. You, and only you, get to see all of that at the end.
Once the game is complete, the students will be prompted to rate the quiz. Once they do that, you can click the purple box (top right) where it says "Final Results".
From here, you can click "Download results". An excel spreadsheet will download with all the information from the quiz.
This is the overview page. It shows all of the students, all of the questions and answer choices, and which questions each student got correct or incorrect.
**Click the image to make it larger**
At the bottom of the excel sheet, you can click on the tab that corresponds with each question. Q1, Q2, etc. This will show the question, the answer choices, and what everyone answered. It even shows how long the student took to answer the question!
(Click on the image to make it larger!)
What if I don't have time to download my results? Don't worry! Whenever you sign into your Kahoot! account, you are able to go back to ALL of the results from every game played. So don't stress. Take a break, stretch your legs, come back later and know that the data will be there when you get back.
Well, I hope this post got you excited to try something new in your classroom! My class LOVES playing this game, and I hope yours does, too!
Excited? Want to create your own game? Go {HERE} to read my post about creating your own Kahoot!
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